The Position Of Grace, And Application Afterwards
Jason Bryant
Diving into the doctrine of
GRACE, let us all get a definite biblical definition of the meaning of the Word that is used in both testaments of the Holy Bible. A word that is tossed around so often in Christendom, and the fallen secular world as well. Let us look into what God chose for the word that He inspired Paul to write of, to explain exactly what the gift God gave us through Christ.
Grace- charis G5485-
that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech
good will, loving-kindness, favour
of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues
- what is due to grace
- the spiritual condition of one governed by the power of divine grace
- the token or proof of grace, benefit
- a gift of grace
- benefit, bounty
thanks, (for benefits, services, favours), recompense, reward
For the sake of this post, we shall look at #2 Charis G5485- I.) "of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues"
With that being established, we are not mention "favor or favour" but we are going to roll on with God gifting His merciful kindness by exerting His Holy influence upon human souls and turning them towards Christ, Who saves, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles (constrains us to exercise Christian virtues).
I.) Consider to fundamental aspects of grace in regards to we Christians:
First we consider those things that have ALREADY BEEN DONE for all IN Christ. And in the same breath and thought, we will consider that which has been done for the soul (singular) the INSTANT he believes. This is salvation in a past tense form and reality, Truth. Salvation from condemnation, guilt, penalty, and it is
FINISHED! This beyond a doubt is past tense, as in completed, and without any ability, merit, or action upon the human soul. It is the miraculously gift from
Yahweh ALONE! For only the all powerful Almighty can do this miraculous, yes miracle of Himself! NOTE: There is a Scriptural distinction to be received from that which is declared in Scripture and Pauline epistles, and the teachings on sin, repentance, and even epistles of John and James.
Secondly, let us look at that distinction, and grow in
GRACE and KNOWLEDGE of Christ Jesus! The distinction and difference is derived from the Truth of Scripture, explained by the Holy Spirit, and received by the Believer, who is
TEACHABLE IN REGARDS TO AN HUMBLE "I DON'T KNOW IT ALL HEART." Consider the drawing purpose and office of the Holy Spirit as He draws, convicts, and convinces the unsaved of their lost and fallen condition and all of humanity of sin. The before mentioned, is the work of Yahweh drawing the and bringing the lost who are blinded with scale covered eyes by Satan (adversary) [2nd Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV] intelligent, cognitive, willful decision for and unto Christ; the second aspect is the "outworking of that completed salvation unto those whom receive Christ by
GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE AFTER they BELIEVE! So there is a noted difference between the work that is completed (past tense) and the growth and development of those whom have believed Beloved. He is well noted through out precepts of New Testament teaching of Jesus, Epistles, and the Old Testament prophets to GROW in grace in knowledge of Yahweh and Christ! This soul is to be (imperative) changed from glory to glory, and are in not in any manner bestowed, finished, or completed in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. They are not imparted here in the temporal fallen world, yet they are enabled by the gifts of the Word of God, guiltless standing of justification, in the power of the Comforter's office imparted to the Believer, in whom we are not to stifle, hinder, or GRIEVE!
II.) A majority of the Epistles are divided into two camps, opposite sides of the same connected coin. Example: The first being the accomplished work of God on behalf of the Believer. The second being that which is represented in the life and work of the Believer here on earth, who still dwells in a fallen natural body which Paul called a tent. That flesh which is always in opposition to the Spirit and will of Yahweh!!!! Consider in Romans, the first eight chapters of that glorious doctrinal foundation of salvation in its past and present tense. The last parts of Romans, beginning with chapter 12 [chapters 9,10, 11 are Hebrew dispensational in doctrine and truth]; IS AN APPEAL, A BEGGING, AND BESEECHING of the saved soul to live, operate and bare witness of the redeemed life that has
BEEN SAVED! " I BESEECH YE THEREFORE, (because of the first eight chapters of Romans) Beloved, by the mercies of YAHWEH,
PRESENT YOUR BODIES A LIVING SACRIFICE (TEMPORAL HERE AND NOW ON EARTH) HOLY (SET APART UNTO GOD) (ACCEPTABL UNTO GOD OPPOSITE OF THE WORLD SYSTEM, HUMAN FALLEN NATURE, CONTRAY TO MY WAY) Such a manner is naturally to be EXPECTED of a grace changed and regenerate life that pleads and claims Jesus for salvation! Reasonable service! End result of the final chapters of Romans to the walk of life fitting to a saved soul, a life befitting a child of the King! In modern terms, Christian conduct and behavior empowered by a Spirit filed and regenerate life.
Another example to show the continuity of Scripture, is the first three chapters of Ephesians Beloved! These present the finished work of God through Christ, that ONLY He is capable of doing for us, because of our established position in Christ, because of it being
FINISHED! The other side of the same coin, beginning in chapter 4 begins with the exhortation in a walk, conversation, and biblical choice befitting the saved soul raised to the position in Christ! Thus far have you seen the precept and truth being presented by Yahweh Himself in His Word? It is in plain English! Without excuse, as it will be at the Believers judgment Beloved. Don't be ignorant for God has NOT made it ambiguous. We only need to read, listen and accept what Yahweh has and is saying in plain English.
Lastly, in the wonderful Christ centered Epistle to the Beloved in Colossae, the first two chapters reveal the glory of God, through Jesus, and our blessed position in Christ for the resurrection that is yet to come, BUT is coming! This like Romans and Ephesians, is followed in the closing chapters the call and appeal once again in this section or passage:"
IF...IF ye be risen with Christ, IF that is... seek those things above!" Complete opposite of the fallible contemporary teaching of a temporal, carnal, misguided here and now humanistic desire. That latter statement is contrary to the crux of Jesus' teachings, walk, will, and lifestyle. For the here and now are temporal and not worth a hill of beans in the scope of eternity Beloved. It colludes with the flesh and humanistic nature, which is contrary to life and faith led of the Spirit of God, and the Word of God, Be not ignorant! Let God be true and ALL men liars!
Note the order of things in these Epistles, first position and God's doing is always laid out first! Followed by a consistent view and instruction for Divine blessings! It is in plain English Beloved and not up for misinterpretation. When God establishes His part in bestowing a blessed position graciously given us, empowered by grace, an entirely knew demand of walk, conversation, and conduct within the liberty and parameters of "IT IS WRITTEN" is a created mandate. "Be ye doers of the Word..." Because of a position of GRACE! And God doesn't expect the soul who isn't regenerated to abide within these, for he isn't capable. More teaching to come. Beloved I beseech you to share this truth with the Beloved, it is life changing and liberating...and above all, liberty!
Love in Christ your servant and brother Jason!